Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Evolution of TCS READS

A mail from the Kolkata CSR reached my inbox on a sultry day of July 2007 mentioning the requirement of some volunteers from TCS to go and teach the students at Rajabazar. As I was too keen on undertaking my share of responsibility in doing social reform in some form, I took the initiative promptly and visited the place the very next weekend. Kolkata was a new place for me, Rajabazar even stranger. Commuting to the place alone was not safe and even though, the cofounder of READS, Mr. Ali helped in every way he could, things remained challenging. The local mob was not very comfortable with my visits to their locality and the same got reflected in their harassments in the form of demeaning comments and lude remarks every time I went through the lanes and alleys.But the conviction in me always said - 'Hold On!! With the passage of time,they'd discover the intentions and acknowledge that this all is for their children, their future, their betterment'

Time passed on..and with the awareness campaigns of CSR Kolkata inside TCS offices, people started joining in.One, Two, Three..and the head count of volunteers increased. This eased up the process and sharing of work gave us time to think new, plan innovative and implement the best. Apart from taking classes, we started taking the kids and their parents for planned picnics where again the main purpose was to create awareness amongst the parents so that they encourage their children to take interest in studies and be regular in the classes.We conducted Food charity along with the students from foreign universities, celebrated Children's day at TCS premises and conducted umpteen number of events at all levels so as to give children an opportunity to unearth and express themselves.
Expanding our work, we started focussing on Girl education, Health and Hygiene awareness and employment generation for women. Prayas aand Sahyog emerged as two meaningful and directive umbrellas under which we tried to cover both, the children's education and funding And their mother's skill enhancement.
Apart from the financial problems we faced, it was the lack of space or accommodation that came to picture. But slowly, with some adjustments, we could carve out the space for ourselves. Soon the children became a part of our extended family. The weekends which we used to kind of waste wandering or chit chatting with friends, when utilized properly made such a huge difference to so many lives. Teaching them was and is such a contenting job .We often learn from them more than what we teach them. Seems It was rightly said by Wordsworth "The Child is father of the Man".

- Shivangi Sharma

1 comment:

  1. Great mam,i know very well dat u r not among those sailors who leave d boat without reaching d final destination.

    Surendra Lamba
