Saturday, July 18, 2009

HR Speak......

Who says Dreams should begin with a nice sleep.I realized my dream in broad daylight.I got to see the shining faces of the futurity being nurtured at Rajabazar.I was surprised pleasantly to see what we have done to preserve the dreams of those kids and their mothers.It is essential for any organization to commit themselves to the core cause of nation building.We being the members of the respected Tata Fraternity are pioneers in that.I could see how delighted Madam(Mrs Ramadorai) was to see the seeds of Maitree that she had sowed has grown to a tree that shelters love,dreams and most necessarily smiles.Way forward our goal of the journey will be how we can bring about a change in the perspective of our industry as a whole to this call of humanity.I am certainly sure our team ably led by Shivangi,Kishan and now Saswata will defeat the adversity by scores of goals.Come what may...we have started not to stop...but to emerge victorious for the humanity and those smiles.

---Tomojeet Chakraborty

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